*CONTENT WARNING* - Paul’s story includes an incredibly open discussion around suicide, which some listeners may find distressing. If you or anyone you know is in need of support, Samaritans are available by phone at 116 123.
When Paul Mort found his rock bottom, it would’ve been hard to imagine the life he leads today: an award-winning coach, author, speaker, and life-changer.
Where many of us live in the past, or are stuck in the present, he’s a future-focused mind whose programmes have come from overcoming his own staggering story.
Paul joins us on Off Script this week to detail his mental battles, the fundamental flaw in therapy, what makes any life coach an expert, and the harrowing wake-up call that taught him to live life to the full…
This episode covers
The shocking accident that incited the most challenging period of Paul’s life
Being diagnosed with ADHD, depression & Bipolar in quick succession
The fundamental flaw in common therapy methods
Paul’s openness with his kids about his story
What makes anyone an expert life coach?
A friend’s passing being a wake-up call
Managing your time and energy
“I can't give myself to everybody. Otherwise there's nothing left for me. That's the mistake that I made the last time, I sacrificed everything and make money. This time I'm not willing to sacrifice my health for someone else's.”
1:16:15 - Paul Mort
“I was a PT until I was about 26-27. Then I started these outdoor sessions, and that just blew up for me - that was the first time I’d really had money.” - 4:20 - Paul Mort
“I'm diagnosed ADHD first, then I'm diagnosed with depression. So they put me on antidepressants, which made it worse, because then after that I'm diagnosed bipolar. So I’m manic depressive, right?” - 8:55 - Paul Mort
“My son saw someone in Nandos and said ‘Who was that?’ - I said I used to get my drugs off him. I'm just open about it. How are my kids, if they're struggling, going to open up if I don't leave a good example?” - 22:20 - Paul Mort
“I did a talk in a prison in Belfast recently, and it was one of the most rewarding, but terrifying experiences in my life.” - 40:30 - Paul Mort
“There’s a difference between coaching and mentoring. I can do both, and mentoring usually comes from life experiences. Mentoring people's telling people what to do, giving them advice. With coaching, the best coaches just ask great questions.” - 50:45 - Paul Mort
“I believe that questions are the steering wheel of the mind. So if I want to steer myself towards empowerment and positivity, I've just got to ask a great question.” - 1:00:15 - Paul Mort